UKH Klagenfurt
Markus Winter

The challenge
Heavy duty transportation with oversized width
This required the delivery and on-site lifting of 15 room modules with individual weights up to 28 tonnes and widths up to 6 metres. The challenge was, on the one hand, the short time frame and, on the other hand, the oversized width of the objects. Many of the transport operations could only be carried out at night. Three 3-axle trucks with 3-axis flat-bed trailers were deployed for the project.
Our solution

Preparation is everything
To ensure that the extremely wide transport units could even reach their destination, some preparatory work was required. An exact analysis of the selected route is unavoidable for such abnormal loads. As not every curve radius is sufficient for the well-loaded colossus and not all bridges are high enough. For example, an entire street had to be closed to guarantee access for the oversize transport units.

Exact telescopic crane use
Lifting the modules into place with a 350 tonne telescopic crane also required a great deal of attention from the Prangl team. Due to the hospital's underground car park, the mobile crane could only be set up in an extremely limited area. A tree had to be felled before lifting operations could commence. This was the only way to obtain an adequate footprint and supporting area for the crane. The nearby helipad also caused added difficulties. Safety measures had to be put in place, including maintaining a maximum boom height of 46 metres throughout the job.
Precision leading to success
The meticulous pre-planning and precise work of all involved paid off. All transports reached the building site on time. The lifting work was completed without incident. The job was handled to the full satisfaction of all parties.